This statistic depicts the price evolution from 1960 to 2020 for a one-carat diamond with the following attributes:
In 1960, the average price for such a diamond stood at some 2700 USD. Since then, the diamond price has increased more than tenfold.
As the known global diamond reserves continue to be mined and depleted while demand increases, a demand-supply gap is expected to develop in the coming years.
By 2050, there is a forecasted supply shortfall of some 278 million carats of diamonds worldwide (Statista Research Department, 2016).
No other precious stone can match the diamond. It is found in the most remote regions of the earth and the fact that it is formed at all is a small miracle.
Two diamonds of the same size may appear identical to the naked eye. However, they each could have a very different value upon closer examination.
Gold is an important part of a diversified portfolio. In order to fully understand its value, one must look back to the start of the gold market.
View the historical gold prices via our price history chart and stay informed with the current gold spot prices.
DIAGO offers only high quality investment diamonds certified by the world’s most renowned grading laboratory: GIA. The report number appears microscopically engraved on the girdle of the diamond; giving buyers a unique way of linking their GIA report to the diamond itself. DIAGO gold bullions are all analyzed and hallmarked by a third party independent laboratory to certify their fineness and quality.